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Artimus Art Kits: The EASY Way to Turn Your Child's Art Into a Book

Let Artimus Art help you cherish (& organize!) the masterpieces in your home

By Shay Brase- Publisher & Editor, Macaroni Kid Broomfield CO September 27, 2021

There were masterpieces everywhere.

My refrigerator was covered in fingerpainted rainbows and graphite sketches. There were macaroni creations hanging from knobs in every room, and three totes were overflowing with the most wonderful pictures and "I love you" notes down in the basement.

Our kids' art is prized and precious, but something had to change.

Can anyone relate? A child expresses so much love through their handiwork, so we tend to want to keep more than our storage shelves can comfortably hold.

Artimus Art to the rescue!

Luckily, there is a company who understands this situation and has found a solution. 

Artimus Art transforms children's artwork into a gorgeous keepsake book to celebrate and preserve the artistic masterpieces in your home. No need to take pictures and then upload yourself—they will be beautifully digitized for you! The Artimus Art Box process has been helping parents organize and sort through vast art piles since 2008.

The process:

Each Artimus Art package is available for a $30 deposit. A box will be sent to you with a return label for a super easy return. 

After shipping your filled art box back to Artimus Art, each image is reproduced, color enhanced, gently restored, cleaned, and sent to a private gallery in your account. In your gallery, you are able to rearrange the images, add titles and descriptions, and personalized your cover design, back cover, dedication page, and more.

Don't have time for that? You can choose to have Artimus Art design the book for you!

Why turn your kids' art into a book?

  • Child Development: By archiving children's artwork as they grow, it becomes a history of their cognitive and artistic development for each passing year. Your child can see how they've "grown" with each book!
  • Mommy guilt: Have you ever had to miss a school project or art show due to work or other life obligations? We all have! Turning these projects into a book allows parents to celebrate those missed moments.

  • Imagination: What a child draws exhibits his/her thought process, which helps grownups understand and recognize how children see and perceive the world.
  • Organization: Parents are often inundated with kid art that gets posted on walls, only to be taken down to make room for the next batch. By making a book each year, parents can better recognize the art and decide what to keep for the book and what not to keep. The Artimus Art Box is extremely helpful in accomplishing this daunting task.
  • Sentiment: Many parents have a difficult time parting with anything their child creates. By turning the artwork into a book, it allows parents to keep and cherish the art, while always having easy access to them vs storing away in totes.
  • Bonus point: Kids love seeing their artwork bound into a gorgeous book! A child takes great pride when they look at their book — an added bonus for parent and child alike. They also take pride in showing their books to family and friends. The book itself is gorgeous, with glossy, brilliant covers and pages.

What kind of art can go into the book:

Any kind! Flat art, paintings, small ceramics, fabric, cotton balls, popsicle sticks... Artimus Art can reproduce just about anything a child has created.

Interested in giving Artimus Art a try? 

Head to Artimus Art and choose your Art box today!

The Author was compensated for reviewing Artimus Art. All thoughts and opinions are her own.