The Holiday Gift Guide will be a great way for local businesses to showcase their services or products to southern RI families. Low cost investment to boost business awareness, and gain sales for the holiday season.
The Holiday Gift Guide will be in the guide section of our website 24/7 after being released and emailed to the subscriber list once per month for three months. At least one social media post per month on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. In addition to being promoted at vendor events and locations where I set up to showcase the Macaroni KID website to families in southern RI.
All of this for only $80
I know so many businesses have been hurt by the covid shutdowns and restrictions. I would like to offer this guide as a way for businesses to get noticed, and for families to see options with gift ideas for the holidays. Win Win Win.
Contact me asap to get included in the guide, due to have the first edition released on October 10th.
Do you know someone who owns a business and can benefit from this offer? Please share this with them.
retail stores
kitchen decor
kids toys
gift cards
craft fun
Is it Family focused? Is it child focused? Is it something for just about everyone?
Put it in the Holiday Gift Guide today.